36 Easter Eggs and Behind-the-Scenes Facts About Iconic Animated Movies

36 Easter Eggs and Behind-the-Scenes Facts About Iconic Animated Movies

Toy Story 2 had a rocky climb before becoming one of the greatest animated movies of all time. Not only was it almost a direct-to-video sequel, but it was also almost entirely deleted halfway through production. Here are a number of other behind-the-scenes facts and tidbits about iconic animated movies and shows…

The theme song was some band's sound check. CRACKEDG The Refreshments, out of Arizona, were asked to submit a demo to Mike Judge. They recorded a live set, and encouraged the crowd to really hoot and holler during their sound check jam, which they named Yahoos and Triangles.


In Toy Story, each frame took between 45 minutes to 30 hours to render. There were a total of 114,240 frames. They invented a new software to handle it. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



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