15 Facts That Are Real Whether We Like It Or Not

15 Facts That Are Real Whether We Like It Or Not

Facts, by definition, are always interesting. They are a collection of data that describes some aspect of the world around us objectively. Facts can be backed up by research and evidence, making them a reliable source of information. However, facts can also be used to manipulate and mislead people. In the hands of a skilled politician or marketing executive, facts can be twisted to suit their own purposes. So it's important to be critical when consuming information and to question the motives of those who are presenting the facts. But even with all of that said, there's no denying that facts are always interesting. They give us a window into the world around us and help us to understand the complex systems that make up our Universe. Whether you love them or hate them, you can't deny that facts are always interesting.

Just like the Watchmen comic book series is a critically acclaimed examination of superheroes from one of the medium's most enigmatic leaders, Alan Moore, that delves into grim depravity and violence. It is also the inspiration for the font used on every child's birthday invitation. Read about it below:

WATCHMEN INSPIRED THE MOST REVILED TYPEFACE ON THE INTERNET. CRACKED.COM Comic Sans, most known for appearing on corporate newsletters because Deb from HR thinks the soft lines brings a fun and childlike energy to announcements regarding the cutting of Christmas bonuses, was designed by Vincent Connare who took inspiration from his favorite comics, like Alan Moore's Watchmen.

Source: Wired 

THE WRIGHT BROTHERS ONLY FLEW TOGETHER ONCE. CRACKEDO COM The brothers had piloted separate aircraft on multiple occasions, but made a promise to their father that they would not get into these new flying machines together, just in case the worst happened. Their father made an exception one time, and they flew as a team on May 25, 1910, before taking their father up on his one and only plane ride.

Source: History 

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